How to get the URL link to a Delve profile?

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I was ages searching for a solution to this. I wanted to have a link on an intranet to a user’s own Delve profile in SharePoint Online. Delve is Microsofts ‘personal search and discovery tool.

This is the URL you can use. https://[yourcompanyname] is another option.

By the way here is a useful admin guide to Delve. Well worth reading.

How do I add links to my social profiles in Delve?

Adding links to social media profiles (LinkedIn / Facebook) on Delve Profile Page

Delve enables you to manage your Office 365 profile, and to discover and organize the information that’s likely to be most interesting to you right now – across Office 365.  Your can view and update your profile

But what to do if you want to add links to your social profiles such as LinkedIn of Facebook?


This can be done by adding extra properties (Admin centers > SharePoint.) on the Delve Profile Page which will be shows under Additional Information. Delve uses information from User Profiles.

If you want to show more properties on the Delve profile page, make sure the properties with Default Privacy Setting: Everyone, and Show in the profile properties section of the user’s profile page and Show on the Edit Details page.

Admin Centers > SharePoint > User Profiles > Manage User Properties.


You can even add an extra section “Social” to store the properties


Extra section will only be shown under Edit > Edit Details

More information about adding sections / custom properties:

Microsoft MyAnalytics Outlook add-in

The MyAnalytics Outlook add-in helps you understand the reach of your emails and your relationships with colleagues.

For emails you send, the add-in shows the number of people who have read, forwarded, and replied, as well as a lifespan chart showing the email’s read activity. You’ll only see these statistics for emails you’ve sent to at least five people, and you can’t identify who read or forwarded the email.

For emails you receive, the add-in gives you information about your relationships with colleagues, including the number of emails you’ve exchanged, your average response times, and the percentage of their email you read. Only you have access to your personal relationship statistics.