Turbocharging Microsoft 365 cloud user experiences


We want to take a moment and share many of the leap-frog innovations across user experiences, AI-powered insights and intelligent security. They are fast, phenomenal and fluid.

Much of the below are proof-point technologies either in place or coming to Microsoft 365 per related announcements from Microsoft Build 2019 and SharePoint Conference 2019. Let’s dive into the details…

Turbocharging Microsoft 365 cloud user experiences


SharePoint home sites: a landing for your organization on the intelligent intranet


SharePoint home sites, the latest innovation for the intelligent intranet, powered by Microsoft 365.

SharePoint home sites are the landing sites for your organization that bring together news, events, content, conversations and video to deliver an engaging experience that reflects your voice, your priorities, and your brand.  Home sites are built on top of familiar communication sites.

OneDrive Roadmap Round-up: March 2019 – Microsoft Tech Community – 392144

Want to know what happened to OneDrive in March of 2019? Well read on to learn how your experience is getting better each and every week!

We had some great improvements come to the product this month including:

  • Per Machine Sync Client preview
  • Live Captions & Subtitles in PowerPoint
  • A new OneDrive personalized provisioning flow
  • A script to check Known Folder Move status in your organization

Resized Copy 01.gif

Source: OneDrive Roadmap Round-up: March 2019 – Microsoft Tech Community – 392144

SharePoint page enhancement in Office 365

We are excited to announce the following page enhancements (screenshots + links to learn more below):

  • Customize title region | control what the title region of each page looks like (layout, alignment, title, date).
  • Section backgrounds | display as distinct sections with visual variety throughout the page.
  • Custom page thumbnails | Choose a preferred thumbnail from Page details.
  • Custom page descriptions | Create a custom description from Page details.
  • FYI: removal of the Feedback button | removing the product Feedback button from the site footer of all SharePoint home and modern site pages.

Source: SharePoint page enhancement in Office 365

Microsoft 365 migration on your terms with new improvements to the SharePoint Migration Tool

Managed Metadata Service support

If you have an existing taxonomy in SharePoint Server 2013, the SharePoint Migration Tool can now migrate your content types and term stores to Office 365. Global term store migration requires global tenant admin permissions.

Web Parts Support, Site Navigation, and more…

The SharePoint Migration Tool has continuously improved to support more complex migration requirements. From a humble beginning of accelerating files migration to incremental improvements leading up to complete SharePoint 2013 site migrations. Now using the SharePoint Migration Tool you can migrate just about every element of SharePoint sites that you care most about including Web Parts, Pages, and site navigation!

Source: Microsoft 365 migration on your terms with new improvements to the SharePoint Migration Tool