The new Office 365 app launcher and help you be more productive on the web and make opening and switching between web apps easier than ever. The new Office 365 gallery provides a personalized view of the apps, tools, and services available in your Office 365 subscription.
Tag: app launcher

Meet the new Office 365 app launcher
Meet the new Office 365 app launcher
Applies To: Office for business Office 365 Admin Office 365 Small Business Admin
Video: Meet the new Office 365 app launcher
Check out the video of the new app launcher and see it in action.
Meet the new Office 365 app launcher
Frequently asked questions
Here’s a list of some frequently asked questions. Don’t see your question answered here? Leave us your question at the bottom of this page: Was this information helpful?
Can I pin admin custom tiles to the main view of the launcher for my organization?
- Admins will continue to have the ability to add custom tiles to share line-of-business (LOB) apps, sites, and URLs with their organization. However, they will only show in the main view if pinned by an end-user.
- The All view is optimized for search and there’s a new grouping at the top of this view called Admin selected apps for admin custom tiles so that users can easily discover them.
- From the All view, users can easily pin any app to the main view of their launcher.
Will all my users see the same apps they do today?
With the new app launcher, any additional apps that aren’t already pinned by default, and a user has opened in the preview 45 days will be automatically added to their main view. This means that different users may see different apps based on the apps they actively use.
Will my users’ apps highighted in the main view keep changing based on their use?
After your users see the new launcher for the first time, apps in the main view will stay the same, unless a user chooses to customize their apps or an administrator adds or removes licenses. If you have difficulty finding an app, tap All your apps and search through the alphabetized list of apps available.
Do apps open the same as they do today?
The apps in the launcher will open in different tabs, so a user should not expect the browser Back button to always take them where they were.