FindTime functionality is directly available in Outlook on the web as a preview.

Important news about FindTime

FindTime is even easier to access (beyond an add-in) to help more people save time. As of today,  FindTime functionality is directly available in Outlook on the web as a preview.

Now you can “Poll for a Time to Meet” in Outlook on the web.

How to get started

To get started in Outlook, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to
  2. Sign in.
  3. Open your calendar.
  4. Click New.
  5. Click Poll for a time to meet.


What’s happening to FindTime?

We originally launched FindTime through the Garage, which is Microsoft’s official outlet for experimental projects from small teams across the company.

As we continued refining FindTime, we knew that we were onto something when many of our users started recommending the service to their co-workers and friends because of how much time FindTime was saving them.

Since FindTime was an add-in for Outlook, we decided that the best way to help even more people save time was to make meeting polls available directly in Outlook on the web. With “Poll for a Time to Meet” now available in Outlook on the web, we are discontinuing FindTime as an add-in for Outlook on October 1, 2017.

What will happen to my existing meeting polls?

FindTime will continue to operate until Oct 1st, 2017, at which point we will discontinue the add-in and service.  The plug-in will no longer be available to schedule meetings and attendees will be unable to vote on meetings. Polls that are still open and not finalized will be discarded. Any meetings where voting has closed and the meeting has been scheduled will be unaffected. To continue saving time when scheduling meetings, we recommended transitioning to Outlook on the web at

What happens if I don’t see “Poll for a Time to Meet” in Outlook on the Web?

Although most FindTime users should be able to see “Poll for a Time to Meet” in Outlook on the web immediately, some users may not be able to see it yet. We recently started rolling out the feature, and in some cases, it may take up to a week to become visible.

Can I get it now?

Although FindTime users should already have access to “Poll for a Time to Meet,” you can also ensure that you and your organization have access by asking your O365 Administrator to join the First Release Program.

How can I give feedback?

We want to make sure you’re able to use Outlook on the web to take advantage of “Poll for a Time to Meet”. If you need any assistance, you can submit your feedback via User Voice.